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My person knows the way to get out of the dangers, because I am One of Three the Authorities from First Place.




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Ursula Sabisch

5. September um 12:06


It`s time for business in the Third World!

It is time to think about a livable future for all people but not without any consideration in the matter and commission.

This means that the world's poorest countries need to look within their own country for facts at first that lead to such a poverty. In my opinion the will and the diligence is missing of the men for building of an infrastructure in most countries of the Third World. There is much debate and it is tried at any, but the men prefer sitting in the sun and spend the day or they hide them also as a powerful man behind the desk. In such a way it can not go on any longer...........

Within the poorest countries will be found always rich people ....... and these ones will be the first people, which should use their minds very quickly when they value a right to exist.

See more: www.ursulasabisch.netsempress.net


I am trying to wake you up!

Dateline \\ News Category

Here are documents written as letters for all people worldwide.

Most documents have been designed for people in a position of leadership.



7. September 2016

Is that really too much to ask for?

Ist das wirklich zu viel verlangt?

Das Weltkulturerbe OMEGA


The World-Cultural-Heritage



It`s time for business!

Meine Person muss darauf bestehen, dass der Weg, welcher mir bekannt ist, besonders auch für meine Person ermöglicht werden muss, da sonst das eigentliche Ziel verloren gehen kann! Das bedeutet, dass ich seit Langem auf eine Antwort einer Bewerbung warte, welche an Bedingungen geknüpft ist, die sehr leicht erfüllt werden könnten!

Dabei handelt es sich um eine entsprechende Villa in einer vorbestimmten Stadt und Straße. und es handelt sich um einen vorbestimmten Arbeitsplatz in einem vorbestimmten Dienstleistungsunternehmen, welches mir bereits vertraut ist.

*Dabei handelt es sich um eine entsprechende Villa in einer vorbestimmten Stadt und Straße und es handelt sich um einen vorbestimmten Arbeitsplatz in der vorbestimmten Villa, wobei mir bereits das Homeoffice vertraut ist.* Meine Person darf erwarten, dass es auch einige Erwachsene geben muss, die sich auch wie Erwachsene verhalten werden. Außerdem darf meine Person erwarten, dass es einige Menschen geben wird, die den wahren Ernst der Lage richtig einschätzen können.

Nun sind bereits mehrere Wochen in das Land gegangen.

Wie soll das nur noch enden mit solch einer krankhaften Ignoranz und Arroganz, die wirklich fehl am Platze ist!?

Ursula Sabisch

PS: Jeder Mensch wird bitte das tun, was notwendig ist und was meine Person schriftlich vorgegeben hat! Nicht mehr und nicht weniger!

*Der Sachverhalt hat sich zwischenzeitlich zwangsweise geändert. 28. August 2021


My free English translation.

My person must insist on the fact that the way which is known to me must be especially also allowed for my person, because, otherwise, the real aim can get lost! This means that I wait for a long time for an answer of an application, which is attached to conditions which could be fulfilled very easily! Besides, it concerns a suitable villa in a predetermined town and street and it concerns a predetermined job in a predetermined service enterprise which is already familiar to me.

*This is an appropriate villa in a predetermined city and street and it is a predetermined workplace in the predetermined villa, at what I am already familiar with in the home office.* My person may expect that there must also be some adults who are also behaved like adults. Moreover, one may expect that there will be some people who can properly estimate true seriousness of the situation.

Now several weeks have already gone into the land!.

How shall that end up only with such a stupid ignorance and arrogance, that is really out of place!

Ursula Sabisch

HP: Everyone has to do what is necessary and what my person has specified in writing! No more and no less!

* The facts have since been compulsorily changed. 28 August 2021.


Das Weltkulturerbe und der Schock.

The World-Cultural-Heritage and the Shock.

For additional information see: www.world-cultural-shock.de